Stimulation programme: 11 months – 3 years
We aim to create an environment rich in stimulation, comfort and loving attention, to enhance your toddler’s development. We believe that each child is an individual and may meet their milestones a little earlier or later than their peers and therefore encourage children to develop at their own pace with our guidance and support.
The process of development involves learning and mastering skills like walking, talking, skipping and eventually tying their own shoes laces. Children learn these skills, known as developmental milestones, during predictable time periods.

Children develop skills in five main areas:

Cognitive development (the ability to learn and solve problems)

Social and Emotional development (the ability to interact with others and to learn self-control)

Speech and Language development (the ability to understand and use language)

Fine Motor Skill development (the ability to use small muscles, especially the hands and fingers)

Gross Motor Skill development (the ability to use larger muscles)

Our daily stimulation activities are aimed at achieving these developmental milestones. The parent receives a bi- monthly progress report, as well as activities to perform at home, should certain areas need further attention.
(Stimulation programme & activities developed by Sonja Whitthaus, Occupational Therapist: How to enhance your child’s development)
We play and learn while developing movement, sensory and tactile skills.
Curriculum: 3 – 5 years
Our focus is to develop our toddlers’ basic skills. We play and learn while developing movement, sensory and tactile skills. Fun is the key word in all daily activities. Our curriculum aligns with the standards of the Department of Education, covering areas such science, math, language, cultural and social development, and motor skills.
We incorporate Christian ethics into our teachings, helping children develop life values.
Creative activities (art) focus on the developmental process rather than the final product, emphasizing enjoyment and participation (outcome based teaching). Fun with Food activities take place once a week during which time the toddlers are encouraged to produce their own food item. The programme is divided into forty themes throughout the year. We do not teach children to read or write in a formal way but exercises for preparatory math and writing are included throughout the year.

Our program is based on Christian Ethics and the Bible stories were written especially for young children. Children are not only taught learning skills but educated in the values of life.

During our creative activities (art), we strive to develop the child’s creativity, thus emphasis is placed on the discussion and exercise and not the final outcome of the article. The idea is not to create a perfect artwork, but to focus on the child’s development. The end product is therefore less important than the process of creativity, the discussion and the child’s enjoyment. (Outcome based teaching).

Activities and exercises are planned in order to improve and develop motor movements and are repeated twice every week.

Fun with Food activities takes place once a week during which time the toddlers are encouraged to produce their own food item.
Contact Us

Admissions/Enquiries: 072 703 1927

School: 067 101 3590

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